SemiSaurs are magnetic dinosaur toys with a split personality.
All Semi-Saurs are crafted using
recycled dinosaurs*
Artisan's Asylum
in Somerville, Massachusetts.
Follow us on Instagram! @SemiSaurs
Tag & Share photos of your #SemiSaurs: #SemiSaurAdventures
* Semi-Saurs are made from recycled dinosaurs... in the broad sense that the petroleum used in their plastic originates, at least in part, from the remains of plant and animal life from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods of the Mesozoic era. (Though, this likely involves a lot more algae and zooplankton than the kinds of animals portrayed by Semi-Saurs.)
(It could also be argued that a human reader of this website may "contain more dinosaur" than the average plastic toy, though they, in turn, contain considerably "less dinosaur" than a modern day bird.)